The Words Became a Story

The writing assignment began with writing down five words. All six writers weaved and crafted these words (marked in bold) together in whatever way we desired. Because "we are already as creative as He's created us to be." So here's mine:

Take My hand.

There is no fear in love.
My heart for you,
My love for you 
is deep,
containing grace, beauty and peace.

Ropes of doubt and unbelief 
suffocate you.
Throw them out the window,
because on My keychain,
are the keys of hope and truth.
Feel My power flow through you as you write;
A triangle of Father, Son and Holy Spirit - 
Your words going forth as the lark sings its song.

Walk with Me.
Run with Me.
In this journey of writing,
you may feel as if you're barely at the sunrise,
a butterfly not yet emerged,
but I've surrounded you with friendship and laughter,
times of habit to write.
Let the flow of writing be like a rushing water
a miracle to you,
Blessings restored like Job, double portion.


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