This I Know

Sometimes it seems like it all boils down to just one thing.

One thing to hold on to.

One message.

One thought.

I feel as if I don't know much lately. So many decisions and emotional struggles within and without.

There was a verse on a notecard that sat on my mirror for weeks.

Usually, I change it every day. Sometimes it will stay up longer, maybe a few days.

But I just couldn't change this one.

I clung to it.

Because of the promise it held.

Because it was so simple.
So profound.
So true.


Like I said, I don't know much lately. So many choices and decisions with life-long impacts. Where we will move next, when, if. How to best raise our kids, including school and day-to-day life. How am I going to get through the day? The endless to-do list. How to look at life through the eyes of Jesus, not my own filters or not becoming bogged down with the stuff of life on this earth.

But knowing this one promise, I mean knowing it as in experiencing it, holds me steady. In Psalm 63, the psalmist writes that "You hold me steady as a post."

In Matthew 6:26 of the Message version, Jesus exhorts us to  "Look at the birds, free and unfettered . . . . careless in the care of God. And you count far more to Him than birds."

Getting to the heart of the matter expressed in the words of Kari Jobe's song:

"I know that you are for me. I know that You will never forsake me in my weakness. I know that you have come now, even if to write upon my heart. To remind me of WHO you are."

That where the trouble lay...that I thought I would be forsaken in my weakness. And I forgot that I count far more to Him than birds. And that he would attend to me even more than the most gorgeous wildflowers. 

"Have you seen color and design quite like it? If God gives such attention to appearance of wildflowers, most of which are never seen, don't you think he'll attend to you?" another reminder from Matthew 6 of how faithful and constant and true He is.


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