There's always a story

Just like a good story
doesn't always start at the beginning,
it picks a point and begs the question.

How did you get here?
Where did you come from?

What was the path?
The journey that led you here?

You have to have perspective to know where you are. And sometimes to figure out where you are going.

True north.

That brings perspective.

Which way to go?

"Set your course by My promises," FJR reminds in Come Away my Beloved.

His promises are my perspective.

My true north.

I'm on a journey.

A path uniquely designed by God for me.

And my life is a story.

The story He is writing.

When I get frustrated with all the twists and turns on the path,
I hope to remember:

What's the point of a story, if not for the problems,
the climax,
the resolutions.

What an exciting read!
To see the goodness of God.
To see His hand upon my life.

Because if it was all planned out,
And if I knew the end
way back at the beginning?

I know I couldn't handle it.
And it would be

He is the author.
Of surprises.
Plot twists.

Just like my favorite Saturday pastime,
bike riding in the great outdoors.
I follow the path.

Narrow paths.
Wide paths.
Dodging trees.
Bumps in the road.

Having to get off the bike and walk.

Sailing down the hill.
Pedaling slowly uphill.

The journey is not a straight, flat road. And I'm learning to be grateful for that fact!


Anonymous said…
Great blog, Kim! Thanks for sharing your perspective and your heart for God to encounter people and draw them closer to Himself through you; I love that.

I like how you put pictures in as concert reminders of what you’re writing on. Great job!

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