Surrender & Redemption

The perfect photo opportunity ...

way out of reach.

When it doesn't go like you plan . . .

trying to see history in the making
the Space Shuttle Discovery's last flyby . . .
But there was sooo much traffic . . .
and kids who didn't want to be there . . .
so I missed it by minutes . . .
And I am missing the point
by focusing on the wrong thing
what good is it if I get "the perfect shot"
and all else is lost or at least in upheaval
because hearts are not settled.

What is the point . . .

I wanted these beautiful shots
but also wanted to have a memory with the kids
and today,
   I couldn't have both.

My mind wants to argue though
Why can't it be like Sunday?

Sunday was different
   and that was fine.
A family outing.
A family festival, with an outdoor concert, sponsored by
   a local Christian radio station.
We arrived just in time for an acrobatic performance
and a spot in shade to hear Jamie Grace
and autographs with her for the kids!

But today was not Sunday
nor did it go how Sunday did.

I need to surrender to that.

And it is well.
With my soul.

Because I am learning to be thankful . . .
. . . for the parking space right up front
. . . lunch at our favorite pizza place 
. . . and giggles at the humor of a nine year old boy's joke about a store named Chico's:
"Those are some nice "Chico's" you have there!"

My youngest once waved his napkin when he was full.
Said he's waiving the white flag of surrender.
He was full.

And I find myself full.
Full of my plans going awry and the frustration along the way.

"If you surrender, I redeem"

It feels like He shouts it in a whisper.
Why is it always the one-liners that knock you flat?

When I surrender the thanksgiving, the moment is redeeemed by joy.


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