Puppy Lessons

I thought the puppy was a present, just for Brooke. "Oh, no," He says (probably with a chuckle). "I'll use him to speak life lessons to you; if you'll slow down and listen and keep your eyes open to see and ears open to hear." A prayer I pray daily for me and for my family . . . that we would have eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to seek Him. I just didn't think these lessons would come in the form of a puppy.

When I told my oldest, who was home from college for the summer, that his younger sister was getting a puppy for her birthday, he was surprised. His response of "I thought you didn't like dogs at all, Mom," spoke volumes. As if to say, I can't believe YOU would do this FOR her. "This is different; it's not about me and what I do or do not want," is all I can reply. "Your sister really wants a puppy and is old enough to take care of him. Plus, I've grown to love him."

Lesson number one.

Love is getting the puppy for her . . . how much did my parents, let alone my Heavenly Father sacrifice doing what was not the most pleasant choice, but knew it was a good for us in the end. Because let's face it, I'll be helping train, pick up poop, get up early, get up at night if necessary, and take the puppy to the vet - the list goes on.

Lesson number two.

An obedient will.

"All my life I have watched the time clock and been blessed to see Your love and wisdom combined . . . if I have grown less sensitive, restore what has been lost and bring Me to a place where I shall see greater things than those in the past . . . mark my path clearly, give me sharp eyes and ears and an obedient will." FJ Roberts in "Dialogues with God"

That was my prayer as I read it this morning...

Now back to the puppy. As I was putting the leash on him this morning, he wouldn't sit still. He's young, not fully trained at all. He just wanted to go! And go now! Boy does that sound familiar. Sniff here, "Oh this is great." Sniff there, "What's over there?"

I realize I have been just like my puppy - "Let's go God. I'm just ready to go, to do" . . . resisting the collar and leash. God has somewhere good He wants to lead me but I am not content to sit still and wait until it is time on to go - I just want to go. And do. Now.

Lesson number three.


The puppy comes in expectation when we call. If he could speak, he'd be saying, "What do you have for me? What's going on?"
And God beckons us. He beckons us to call to Him. In Jeremiah 33 He says, "Call to me ... and I will answer you. And tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."
Lord God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, I don't know it all. I need to be about what You have going on and what You have for me. There is no one better to call to (or to have calling me). I don't want to get to the place where I don't come in expectation nor to the place of not coming at all . . . may I live in your Presence as my only daily routine of importance.

Lesson number four.

I was about to post this blog, but for some reason it would not post. Another lesson made obvious yesterday morning as I was downstairs alone with the puppy before everyone else woke up, being smothered with kisses and all the affection a puppy has to offer.


The puppy adores me. He adores any one of his new family, showering them with kisses (aka licking). He wants to hop right up into your lap and sit with you, be with you, snuggle and play with you. He'll follow your million steps around the kitchen, right at your heels. Why? He just adores you. You are the center of his attention.

The parallel is painfully obvious. Jesus, do I adore you? Do I follow you so closely that you almost step on my feet? Do I climb in your lap to shower my affections on you? Do I overwhelm you with my love for You?


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