Holding Fast

I just read this quote: "When Jesus whispers you better listen . . . even when the whisper is faint. Trust it."

The man of God.

Nothing left to eat.

A dry brook.

Then comes the whisper of God. "Get up and go to Zarephath in Sidon and live there. I have instructed a woman who lives there, a widow, to feed you." (1 Kings 17:7-9)

So he goes.
No questions asked.
He arrives in Sidon
and circumstances APPEAR to NOT be in his favor.
The widow has enough left to make one last meal.

This is what amazes me . . . what my mind and heart won't let go of:

He held fast to the word.

The word, that may have seemed like a whisper to him.

But the word sustained him.


He didn't get there and say,
are you sure God?

He didn't walk away from the widow, saying to himself,
"Guess I heard that one wrong."

He arrived,
and asked the widow to make something for him
before making her "last meal"
refusing to accept what appeared to be the end.

"For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry, in keeping with the word of the LORD spoken by Elijah." 1 Kings 17:16

Because Elijah knew WHO gave him the word. He knew who backed up the word.

Elijah KNEW his provision was from God, not the widow. She was just the vessel. He trusted the messenger and message. He was not looking to the natural and seeing the lack.

And that same "He" does not go back on His word. His word is true; it is alive. And yes, sometimes it seems to contradict what you see in the natural.

Getting this in my heart is vital. We have got to HOLD on to the word He gives us for each situation.

Just the other week, I watched this was put to action in my own life. I had been praying for my oldest and his roommate situation at college. Things were not going well, as my son seemed to be in a Catch 22 situation, but the bottom line was he needed a new room and roommate but it didn't look possible.

"Let him (the roommate) get caught." But Lord what about my son, I don't want him to go down with this sinking ship. "I will hide him."

Trust me - this momma bear's heart wanted to call up the university and give someone a piece of her mind and resolve this issue NOW!

But I held onto the word - even when it seemed like there was no way in the natural for any change. He had talked to the powers that be about changing rooms and almost was accused in the process - asked for proof. And for days, seriously, God reminded me, in verse after verse that I turned to, that He is my son's hiding place. I saw God's faithfulness in this process. After much warfare prayer by many warriors, my son called. Incredulously he asked if I had talked with the decision maker. "No!" I said. "Are you sure?" he asks. "Yes, I am sure I did NOT call anyone," I tell him. "Well, it seems like she is on my side now."

A few days later, he moved (broke his pinkie in the process, but that's another blog :-)


Unknown said…
As I am reading this Kim, I am really sensing that it is time for you to bring the Word to Zion. How about next Sunday?

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