My desire . . .

What a man desires is unfailing love. Proverbs 19:22

Sometimes I bounce from thing to thing, trying to complete something that will satisfy me. And I end up thinking "I don't even know what it is I want, but something is missing here" and I know that I keep "looking for love in all the wrong places." Don't we all think the things of this life will satisfy, whether it's a good book, getting the house in perfect order, finally caught up on laundry, the workout is completed or even time with a precious friend?

Yesterday, I read that verse and wrote it down in my journal ... and today as was sitting on the beach, I turned to Proverbs and there it was highlighted, in another bible ... I read this translation as I was sitting on the beach.

What a man desires is unfailing love. The KJV says The desire of a man is his kindness and "his kindness" is the Hebrew word checed, meaning zeal; ardour; kindness; an eager and ardent desire.

It was and still is a beautiful morning . . . I felt the beckoning, the longing, the drawing to spend time alone - away with Him . . . and so often so much more precious and undiluted in nature - and while my first choice is to run to the mountains, what is surrounds me now is the beach. Before I knew it I found myself descending the windy road, listening to a CD so aptly entitled "Deep Waters" . . . the songwriter/psalmist singing "There's nothing more beautiful, than to be in your presence ...nothing more beautiful ... nothing ... nothing ... everything inside of me ... longs for you."

So true - this is what I was longing for. Time in His presence. So I spent some time listening, soaking, dozing, laying my soul bare before the Lord. An empty bench sat in the shade in front of me, so I walked over to the bench and settled myself there - alone, yet I was so NOT alone. A refreshing breeze was blowing. Wow - this is so refreshing I thought! "No, I AM refreshing . . . THIS is Me, the breeze, the waves, the ocean . . . as far as you can see is what you know and can imagine perfect unfailing complete love to be, but as the ocean goes farther than you can see, so my love goes farther than the eyes of your heart to see and comprehend. I AM MORE . . .gentle waves, crashing breakers, low tide, high tide, shallow pools to great depths - I AM . . . and nothing will satisfy like my love."

But love seems so risky and sometimes we want to walk away, to play it safe because even the best love we've known in this world lets us down and has hurt us . . . don't walk away from His beautiful love - it's Him pursuing you - the lover of your soul - He is trustworthy and His love is so deep.

Yes, Lord, it is your unfailing love that I desire most of all. I was created with this longing in me - thank you for my little glimpse of "what a man desires is unfailing love."


JoGlo said…
Amen! This is so true! Thank you for sharing what God is sharing with you. Nothing satisfies like His love.
Love ya lots, Kim

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