Any Better than This?

Sometimes the words of a song just reach out and grab you - time seems to stop - this song by Lighthouse says it all. I cannot be in this new place with God and all He is revealing of Himself, whether through others, Himself or in His word and not be moved (which by the way means to be urged to action). He IS everything all I want, all I need, every thing - I know I don't always live that truth out in my actions, but it is in my head, working it's way through my heart and into my actions . . . Not my will but Yours be done.

find me here/speak to me/I want to feel you/I need to feel you

you are the light/that's leading me/to the place/where I find peace again

you are the strength/that keeps me walking/ you are the hope/that keeps me trusting/ you are the light/to my soul/ you are my purpose/you're everything

how can I stand here with you/and not be moved by you/
would you tell me/how could it be/any better than this

cause you're all I want/you're all I need/everything/everything

you calm the storms/and you give me rest

you hold me in your hands/you won't let me fall
you steal my heart/and you take my breath away would you take me in?/take me deeper now

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