I Cry Out . . . ONCE AGAIN

The words of the song by Kim Walker might be coming to your mind . . . "O God, we cry out for your mercy . . . once again." It's all a part of this message that God is writing on my heart.

"He never tires of your coming to Him and your cry is welcome to His ears however frequent"- MEB in Springs in the Valley

This is what plagues me - why is it so terrible to cry out . . . ONCE AGAIN? "Selah that" as Pastor Dave would say, which means to pause and think about, reflect on that.

Saturate yourself in the oil of the Holy Spirit and keep your channel of communication always open to your heaven father - His desire is toward you and He will be your strong habitation. -F. Roberts in Come Away My Beloved

I have put my Spirit upon you that you should cry and not keep silent . . . I love my people ... but they have not cried, called . . . they have filled the place that belongs only to me. -F. Roberts in Come Away

Have I been trying to fill the place that belongs only to Him? Or more likely the question is WHAT have I been trying to fill that place with?

And this is what it is about crying out - AGAIN! I don't want to be dependent on anyone . . . I want to be able to take care of myself. I'm independent after all! I don't want to "bother" God again. How that reeks of PRIDE and SELFISHNESS. Since when do I respond to my children in need with a WHAT?!?!?! (Okay, sometimes my "What?" is not the nicest "What?" response to my kids).

So the other day - all day long - literally, from the time I got up until I went to bed (way too late), there was no phone or Internet . . . my husband was out of town and how I longed to hear his voice, just that reassurance that I am not alone, that I am loved, all those unspoken words wrapped up in the sound of his voice.

God, how I long for your voice . . . just to hear you speak to me and to know that I am heard. Thank you that You are the answer. How precious your words this morning:

I can't answer if you don't call . . . just like with the phone line, I am here - but you have to dial, you have to make the connection - it IS that simple though . . . I am always home . . . I always pick up on the first ring because I have been waiting for you to call. I am anxious to hear your voice. And guess what? I have the answer... I AM the answer ... I AM the rescue ... your 'calling' puts us together ... you can be where I Am ... And yes, I call to you too, but am talking about you calling me, which doesn't change/ignore the fact that I call.

"We have lost the eternal youthfulness of Christianity and have aged into calculation manhood. We seldom pray in earnest for the extraordinary, the magnificent, the glorious. We seldom pray with any confidence, for any good to the realization of which we cannot imagine a way. And yet, we suppose ourselves to believe in an Infinite Father." -Eidenburgh in 1910

God is the source of all joy, and if we come into contact with Him, His infinite joy comes into our lives. - RA Torrey


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